=========================================================== BDE Installation Notes =========================================================== To use the BDE in an ActiveX control, deploy the BDEINST.CAB file: 1. With your ActiveX project open in the IDE, choose Project | Web Deployment Options. Select the Project tab and check Deploy Additional Files. 2. Select the Additional Files tab. Click Add, then select BDEINST.CAB (in the ...\BDE directory). Click OK. 3. Later, when you choose Project | Web Deploy, Delphi/C++Builder generates an .INF file for your project. To use BDEINST.CAB, you'll need to edit this file manually. Open the file in an editor and replace Bdeinst.cab=Bdeinst.cab with Bdeinst.dll=Bdeinst.dll Then replace [Bdeinst.cab] file= with [Bdeinst.dll] file=http:///Bdeinst.cab clsid={FB99D710-18B9-11D0-A4CF-00A024C91936} RegisterServer=yes FileVersion=5,1,1,1 The example below shows an edited .INF file. Lines that have been added or changed are marked with an asterisk (*). Do not include the asterisks in your .INF file. ;Delphi 4-generated INF file for MyProj.ocx [Add.Code] MyProj.ocx=MyProj.ocx Bdeinst.dll=Bdeinst.dll * [MyProj.ocx] file=http://www.MyServerPath.com/MyProj.ocx clsid={D2E04E83-041F-11D1-AA40-444553540000} RegisterServer=yes FileVersion= [Bdeinst.dll] * file=http://www.MyServerPath.com/Bdeinst.cab * clsid={FB99D710-18B9-11D0-A4CF-00A024C91936} * RegisterServer=yes * FileVersion=5,1,1,1 * =============================================== Copyright (c) 2002 Borland Software Corporation. All rights reserved.